Dear Caring for You Nurses,
Some helpful facts and hints in regards to Manual
· - As defined by the ANF, “Manual Handling is any activity that requires
the use of force exerted by a person to lift, carry, lower, push, pull move or
hold any item. Manual handling involves performing repetitive activities,
sustained muscle exertion and fixed postures.”
· - Fortunately most manual handling injuries are preventable if workplace
policies and safe work practices are followed.
· - Patients should be encouraged (when safe to do so) to assist in their
own transfers.
Manual Handling |
· - Mechanical lifting aids help reduce risk of injury to both healthcare
workers and patient’s/resident’s. Healthcare workers must follow the current “Workplace Health and
Safety Act.
· The two most common manual handling injuries include sprains and
strains of the musculoskeletal system.
· All healthcare workers who handle activities are at risk of an injury.
· To decrease the risk of a manual handling injury occurring, healthcare
workers need to identify, assess and manage risks.
· Risk factors can include environmental hazards (wet floors), a
non-co-operative patient/resident, unsuitable equipment, and staff shortages.
· Our thigh muscles are the strongest muscles in our body.
· During transfers, first bend and then slowly straighten the knees.
· Always ask for assistance from fellow workers. Teamwork is important
to ensure we are all SAFE in our workplace.
· It is not until we sustain an injury that we realise how much we take
our bodies for granted.
· If you have any manual handling or “no lIft” queries please do not
hesitate to email
you members for taking the time to read our education blogs.
thank you for this information!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome Stephanie!